Google Cloud Command ReferenceΒΆ

  • Create a project: $ gcloud projects create [PROJECT_ID] --name=[PROJECT_NAME]

  • Create/set a billing account for the project

    • Only done via Cloud Shell

  • Create a service account:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts create [SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID] \
      > --description="DESCRIPTION" \
      > --display-name="DISPLAY_NAME"
  • Add an IAM policy to a service account:

    $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] \
      > --member="" \
      > --role="ROLE_NAME"
  • List all service accounts: $ gcloud iam service-accounts list

  • List all Google Cloud regions: $ gcloud compute regions list

  • Set a default region/zone for the project: $ gcloud config set compute/region [REGION]

  • Enable the Cloud Storage service: $ gcloud services enable

  • Create a bucket: $ gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET_NAME]

  • Create a Cloud SQL instance:

    $ gcloud sql instances create [INSTANCE_NAME] \
      > --database-version [DATABASE_VERSION] --region=[REGION] --tier=[TIER] \
      > --backup-start-time=[BACKUP_START_TIME] \
      > --storage-auto-increase
  • Enable the SQL Admin API (to use the Cloud SQL proxy): $ gcloud services enable

  • List App Engine regions: $ gcloud app regions list

  • Create an app: $ gcloud app create --region=[REGION]

  • Enable the App Engine Admin API: $ gcloud services enable

  • Enable the Cloud Datastore API: $ gcloud services enable